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In this biod we deal with engeneering maths,litarature,history etc.

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Creation: 05/04/2010 03:38
Update: 05/04/2010 03:47
Articles 1
Comments 1
Visits of the week 658
Total visits 541

purnanand :: anandam

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: mathematics - 05/04/2010 03:47

Dear Friends,

I am Anand.Working as  in Kakinada institute of Engeneering and Technology for Women.tKakinada.East Godavari .A.P.I have done M.Sc and M.Phil in Mathematics.M.A in English.I am intersted to discuss Maths,Histary.Litarature.If you want to share your feelings and ideas please be in contact with  me.
